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The SDK-library privides functions to interact with the API of the backend. At the moment 2 versions are provided:

  • Python
  • (Go)
  • (Javascript)


This documentation is not automatically generated from the source-code. So if you find outdated or broken function in this documentation, then please create an issue on github or fix this by yourself and create a pull-request.


# clone repository
git clone

# create python-env (optional)
python3 -m venv hanami_sdk_env
source hanami_sdk_env/bin/activate

# install sdk
cd Hanami/src/sdk/python/hanami_sdk
pip3 install -U .


Each of the used HTTP-error codes results in a different exception. For the available error-code / exceptions of each of the endpoints, look into the REST-API documenation

from hanami_sdk import hanami_exceptions

except hanami_exceptions.NotFoundException as e:
except hanami_exceptions.UnauthorizedException as e:
except hanami_exceptions.BadRequestException as e:
except hanami_exceptions.ConflictException as e:
except hanami_exceptions.InternalServerErrorException as e:
    print("internal error")


The InternalServerErrorException doesn't contain a message. If this exception appears, you have have to look into the logs on the server.

For insecure connections

In case the server use self-signed certificates for its https-connection, the ssl verification can be disabled. Each functions has a paramater verify_connection, wich is per default True. This validation can be disabled by adding ,verify_connection=False to the end of a function-call.

Request Token

For each of the following actions, the user must request an access-token at the beginning. This token is a jwt-token with basic information of the user. The token is only valid for a certain amount of time until it expires, based on the configuration of the server.

from hanami_sdk import hanami_token

address = ""
test_user = "asdf"
test_pw = "asdfasdf"

token = hanami_token.request_token(address, test_user, test_pw)


Non-admin user need to be assigned to a project for logical separation.


These endpoints have a hard-coded requirement, that only admins are allowed to manage projects.

Create Project

Create new empty project.

from hanami_sdk import project

address = ""
project_id = "test_project"
project_name = "Test Project"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = project.create_project(token, address, projet_id, project_name)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "creator_id": "asdf",
#     "id": "test_project",
#     "name": "Test Project"
# }

Get Project

Get information about a project.

from hanami_sdk import project

address = ""
project_id = "test_project"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = project.get_project(token, address, projet_id)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "creator_id": "asdf",
#     "id": "test_project",
#     "name": "Test Project"
# }

List Project

List all projects.

from hanami_sdk import project

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = project.list_projects(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "test_project",
#             "Test Project",
#             "asdf"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "id",
#         "name",
#         "creator_id"
#     ]
# }

Delete Project

Delete a project.


At the moment there is no check, if there still exist resources within this project.

from hanami_sdk import project

address = ""
project_id = "test_project"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

project.delete_project(token, address, projet_id)



These endpoints have a hard-coded requirement, that only admins are allowed to manage user.

Create User

Create a new user.

If the is_admin is set to true, the user becomes a global admin.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
new_user = "new_user"
new_id = "new_user"
new_pw = "asdfasdf"
is_admin = True

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = user.create_user(token, address, new_id, new_user, new_pw, is_admin)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "creator_id": "asdf",
#     "id": "new_user",
#     "is_admin": true,
#     "name": "new_user",
#     "projects": []
# }

Get User

Get information about a specific user.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
user_id = "new_user"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = user.get_user(token, address, user_id)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "creator_id": "asdf",
#     "id": "tsugumi",
#     "is_admin": true,
#     "name": "Tsugumi",
#     "projects": []
# }

List User

List all user.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = user.list_users(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "header": [
#         "id",
#         "name",
#         "creator_id",
#         "projects",
#         "is_admin"
#     ],
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "asdf",
#             "asdf",
#             "MISAKI",
#             [],
#             true
#         ],
#         [
#             "new_user",
#             "new_user",
#             "asdf",
#             [],
#             true
#         ]
#     ]
# }

Delete User

Delete a user from the backend.


A user can not be deleted by himself.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
user_id = "new_user"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

user.delete_user(token, address, user_id)

Add project to user

Assigne a project to a normal user.

The role is uses be the policy-file of the Hanami-instance restrict access to specific API-endpoints. Per default there exist admin and member as roles.

If is_project_admin is set to true, the user can access all resources of all users within the project.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
user_id = "new_user"
project_id = "test_project"
role = "member"
is_project_admin = True

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = add_roject_to_user(token, 

Remove project from user

Unassign a project from a user.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
user_id = "new_user"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = remove_project_fromUser(token, address, user_id, project_id)

List projects of current user

List projects only of the current user, which are enabled by the current token.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = list_projects_of_user(token, address)

Switch project-scrope of current user

Switch to another project with the current user.

from hanami_sdk import user

address = ""
project_id = "test_project"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = switch_project(token, address, project_id)


Datasets are a bunch of train- or test-data, which can be uploaded to the server.

Upload MNIST-Data-Set

These are files of the official mnist-dataset, which can be uploaded and which are primary used for testing currently. Each dataset of this type requires the file-path to the local input- and label-file of the same dataset.


Because of a lack of validation at the moment, it is easy to break the backend with unexpected input.

from hanami_sdk import dataset

address = ""
train_dataset_name = "train_test_dataset"
train_inputs = "/tmp/mnist/train-images.idx3-ubyte"
train_labels = "/tmp/mnist/train-labels.idx1-ubyte"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

dataset_uuid = dataset.upload_mnist_files(token, address, train_dataset_name, train_inputs, train_labels)

# example-content of dataset_uuid:
# 6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4

Upload CSV-Data-Set


Because of a lack of validation at the moment, it is easy to break the backend with unexpected input.

from hanami_sdk import dataset

address = ""
train_dataset_name = "train_test_dataset"
train_inputs = "/tmp/csv/test-file.csv"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

dataset_uuid = dataset.upload_csv_files(token, address, train_dataset_name, train_inputs)

# example-content of dataset_uuid:
# 6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4

Get Data-Set

Get information about a specific dataset.

from hanami_sdk import dataset

address = ""
dataset_uuid = "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = dataset.get_dataset(token, address, dataset_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "inputs": 784,
#     "lines": 60000,
#     "location": "/etc/hanami/datasets/6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4_mnist_asdf",
#     "name": "train_test_dataset",
#     "outputs": 10,
#     "owner_id": "asdf",
#     "project_id": "admin",
#     "type": "mnist",
#     "uuid": "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4",
#     "visibility": "private"
# }

List Data-Sets

List all visible datasets.

from hanami_sdk import dataset

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = dataset.list_datasets(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4",
#             "admin",
#             "asdf",
#             "private",
#             "train_test_dataset",
#             "mnist"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "project_id",
#         "owner_id",
#         "visibility",
#         "name",
#         "type"
#     ]
# }

Delete Data-Set

Delete a dataset.

from hanami_sdk import dataset

address = ""
dataset_uuid = "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

dataset.delete_dataset(token, address, dataset_uuid)


Cluster containing the neural network.

Create Cluster

To initialize a new cluster, a cluster-templated is used, which describes the basic structure of the network (see documentation of the cluster-templates)

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""
cluster_name = "test_cluster"
cluster_template = \
    "version: 1\n" \
    "bricks:\n" \
    "    1,1,1\n" \
    "        input: test_input\n" \
    "        number_of_neurons: 784\n" \
    "    2,1,1\n" \
    "        number_of_neurons: 400\n" \
    "    3,1,1\n" \
    "        output: test_output\n" \
    "        number_of_neurons: 10"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.create_cluster(token, address, cluster_name, cluster_template)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "name": "test_cluster",
#     "owner_id": "asdf",
#     "project_id": "admin",
#     "uuid": "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202",
#     "visibility": "private"
# }

Get Cluster

Get information of a specific cluster.


It is basically the same output like coming from the create command and contains only the data stored in the database. Information about the cluster itself, like number of neurons, amount of used memory and so on are still missing in this output currently.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = "" 
cluster_uuid = "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.get_cluster(token, address, cluster_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "name": "test_cluster",
#     "owner_id": "asdf",
#     "project_id": "admin",
#     "uuid": "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202",
#     "visibility": "private"
# }

List Cluster

List all visible cluster.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.list_clusters(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202",
#             "admin",
#             "asdf",
#             "private",
#             "test_cluster"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "project_id",
#         "owner_id",
#         "visibility",
#         "name"
#     ]
# }

Delete Cluster

Delete a cluster from a backend.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""
cluster_uuid = "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

cluster.delete_cluster(token, address, cluster_uuid)

Create Checkpoint of Cluster

Save the state of the cluster by creating a checkpoint, which is stored on the server.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""
checkpoint_name = "test_checkpoint"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.save_cluster(token, address, checkpoint_name, cluster_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "name": "test_checkpoint",
#     "uuid": "d7130869-520f-4743-8f90-4f17f3382321"
# }

Restore Checkpoint of Cluster

Reset a cluster to the state, which is stored in a specific checkpoint.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""
checkpoint_uuid = "cc6120c7-cc31-4f17-baee-c6c606f00512"
cluster_uuid = "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.restore_cluster(token, address, checkpoint_uuid, cluster_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "uuid": "e27e4834-64df-4db2-883e-9bfb44bc6753"
# }

Switch Host

Each CPU and GPU is handled as its logical host. Cluster and be moved between them. To list avaialble hosts there is the list-hosts endpoint.


Only supported for 1 cpu currently. Support for NUMA-architecture comes in the future. Multiple gpu's are theoretically supported, but this case was not tested currently.

from hanami_sdk import cluster

address = ""
host_uuid = "cc6120c7-cc31-4f17-baee-c6c606f00512"
cluster_uuid = "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = cluster.switch_host(token, address, cluster_uuid, host_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "name": "test_cluster",
#     "owner_id": "asdf",
#     "project_id": "admin",
#     "uuid": "d94f2b53-f404-4215-9a33-63c4a03e3202",
#     "visibility": "private"
# }


Tasks are asynchronous actions, which are placed within a queue of the cluster, which should be affected by the task. They are processed one after another.

Create Train-Task

Create a new task to train the cluster with the data of a dataset, which was uploaded before.

from hanami_sdk import task

address = ""
task_name = "test_task"
cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
dataset_uuid = "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = task.create_task(token, 
task_uuid = json.loads(result)["uuid"]

# optional you can wait until the task is finished
finished = False
while not finished:
    result = task.get_task(token, address, task_uuid, cluster_uuid)
    finished = json.loads(result)["state"] == "finished"
    print("wait for finish task")

Create Request-Task

Create a new task to request information from a trained cluster. As input the data of a dataset are used, which had to be uplaoded first. The output is written into a request-result. This output has the same UUID and name, like the original task.

from hanami_sdk import task

address = ""
task_name = "test_task"
cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
dataset_uuid = "6f2bbcd2-7081-4b08-ae1d-16e6cd6f54c4"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = task.create_task(token, 
task_uuid = json.loads(result)["uuid"]

# optional you can wait until the task is finished
finished = False
while not finished:
    result = task.get_task(token, address, task_uuid, cluster_uuid)
    finished = json.loads(result)["state"] == "finished"
    print("wait for finish task")

Get Task

from hanami_sdk import task

address = ""
cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
task_uuid = "c7f7e274-5d7d-4696-8591-18441cb1b685"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = task.get_task(token, address, task_uuid, cluster_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "end_timestamp": "-",
#     "percentage_finished": 0.6904833316802979,
#     "queue_timestamp": "2024-01-08 21:19:16",
#     "start_timestamp": "2024-01-08 21:19:16",
#     "state": "active"
# }

List Task

List all tasks for a cluster, together with their progress.

from hanami_sdk import task

address = ""
cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = task.list_tasks(token, address, cluster_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "ef2ee9e9-d724-49bb-b656-2d5e3484b9f3",
#             "finished",
#             "1.000000",
#             "2024-01-08 21:19:23",
#             "2024-01-08 21:19:23",
#             "2024-01-08 21:19:23"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "state",
#         "percentage",
#         "queued",
#         "start",
#         "end"
#     ]
# }

Delete Task

Delete a task from a cluster. In this task was a request and produced a request-result, this result will not be deleted.

from hanami_sdk import task

address = ""
cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
task_uuid = "c7f7e274-5d7d-4696-8591-18441cb1b685"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

task.delete_task(token, address, task_uuid, cluster_uuid)


It is possible to directly connect via websocket to the cluster on the server to make single requests much faster, because it doesn't use the REST-API. It is an alternative to the tasks.


To avoid conflicts, the activation of these direct interaction requires an empty task-queue of the related cluster.


The websocket-connection is not bound to the expire-time of the token.

direct train

from hanami_sdk import direct_io
import asyncio

async def main():
    address = ""
    cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
    input_values = [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.5]
    exprected_values = [1.0, 0.0]

    # request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
    # see:

    # initial request of a websocket connection to a specific cluster
    # this websocket can be used for multiple request
    ws = await cluster.switch_to_direct_mode(token, address, cluster_uuid)

    # names "test_input" and "test_output" are the names of the bricks within the cluster
    # for the mapping of the input-data
    # if the last argument is set to "True", it says that there are no more data to 
    # apply to the cluster and that the train-process can start
    await direct_io.send_train_input(ws, "test_input", input_values, False)
    await direct_io.send_train_input(ws, "test_output", exprected_values, True)

    await ws.close()

    cluster.switch_to_task_mode(token, address, cluster_uuid)

direct request

from hanami_sdk import direct_io
import asyncio

async def main():
    address = ""
    cluster_uuid = "9f86921d-9a7c-44a2-836c-1683928d9354"
    input_values = [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 10.0, 0.5]

    # request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
    # see:

    # initial request of a websocket connection to a specific cluster
    # this websocket can be used for multiple request
    ws = await cluster.switch_to_direct_mode(token, address, cluster_uuid)

    # names "test_input" is the names of the bricks within the cluster
    # for the mapping of the input-data
    # if the last argument is set to "True", it says that there are no more data to 
    # apply to the cluster and that the train-process can start
    output_values = await direct_io.send_request_input(ws, "test_input", input_values, True)

    # output_values is an array like this:
    #    [0.8, 0.0]

    await ws.close()

    cluster.switch_to_task_mode(token, address, cluster_uuid)


Outputs, which are produced by a request-task, are automatically stored at the end of the task as request-result under the same UUID and name, like the task, which produced the result.

Get Request-Result

Get the result of a request-task with all of the resulting values.

from hanami_sdk import request_result

address = ""
task_uuid = "c7f7e274-5d7d-4696-8591-18441cb1b685"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = request_result.get_request_result(token, address, task_uuid)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "name": "test_task",
#     "owner_id": "asdf",
#     "project_id": "admin",
#     "uuid": "d40c0c06-bd28-49a4-b872-6a70c4750bb9",
#     "visibility": "private",
#     "data": [
#         1,
#         2,
#         8,
#         4,
#         5,
#         6,
#         7,
#         8,
#         9,
#         0,
#         1,
#         2,
#         3,
#         4,
#         5,
#         6
#     ]
# }

List Request-Result

List all visible request-results.

from hanami_sdk import request_result

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = request_result.list_request_results(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "d40c0c06-bd28-49a4-b872-6a70c4750bb9",
#             "admin",
#             "asdf",
#             "private",
#             "test_task"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "project_id",
#         "owner_id",
#         "visibility",
#         "name"
#     ]
# }

Delete Request-Result

Delete a request-result.

from hanami_sdk import request_result

address = ""
task_uuid = "c7f7e274-5d7d-4696-8591-18441cb1b685"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

request_result.delete_request_result(token, address, task_uuid)

Check Dataset

Checks a request-result against a dataset to compare who much of the output of the network was correct. The output gives the percentage of the correct output-values.

from hanami_sdk import request_result

address = ""
task_uuid = "c7f7e274-5d7d-4696-8591-18441cb1b685"
request_dataset_uuid = "d40c0c06-bd28-49a4-b872-6a70c4750bb9"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = request_result.check_against_dataset(token, 

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "accuracy": 93.40999603271484
# }


Checkpoints are a copy of the current state of a cluster. It can be used as backup to restore an older state a cluster.


It is possible to apply a checkpoint to any cluster, but at the moment it is not possible to directly create a new cluster out of a checkpoint.

List Checkpoints

List all visible checkpoints.

from hanami_sdk import checkpoint

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = checkpoint.list_checkpoints(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "cc6120c7-cc31-4f17-baee-c6c606f00512",
#             "admin",
#             "asdf",
#             "private",
#             "test_checkpoint"
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "project_id",
#         "owner_id",
#         "visibility",
#         "name"
#     ]
# }

Delete Checkpoint

Delete a checkpoint from the backend.

from hanami_sdk import checkpoint

address = ""
checkpoint_uuid = "cc6120c7-cc31-4f17-baee-c6c606f00512"

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

checkpoint.delete_checkpoint(token, address, checkpoint_uuid)


List Hosts

Each CPU and GPU is handled as its own logical host to have more control over the exact location of the data. These logical hosts can be listed with this endpoint.

from hanami_sdk import hosts

address = ""

# request a token for a user, who has admin-permissions
# see:

result = hosts.list_hosts(token, address)

# example-content of result:
# {
#     "body": [
#         [
#             "cc6120c7-cc31-4f17-baee-c6c606f00512",
#             "cpu",
#         ]
#     ],
#     "header": [
#         "uuid",
#         "type"
#     ]
# }