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Installed packages under the actual used Ubuntu 23.04

Build Hanami

apt-package Purpose
clang-15 C++-compiler
clang-format-15 Helper for styling the source-code
make Build-Tool
cmake Tool to genereate make-file for the code.
bison Parser-Generator
flex Lexxer for the Parser-Generator
libssl-dev ssl-library for TCS-encryption of network-connections
libcrypto++-dev HMAC, SHA256 and other crypto related operations
libboost1.74-dev Provides the Beast-library of Boost, which is used for the REST-API within the Torii
uuid-dev Generate UUID's within the code
libsqlite3-dev Library to interact with the SQLite3 databases
protobuf-compiler Convert protobuf-files into source-code
gcc C-compiler
g++ C++-compiler
nvidia-cuda-toolkit Libraries and compiler for the CUDA-Kernel


name License Purpose
Thalhammer/jwt-cpp MIT create and validate jwt-token
nlohmann/json MIT json-parser


apt-package Purpose
openssl ssl-library for TCS-encryption of network-connections
libuuid1 Generate UUID's within the code
libcrypto++8 HMAC, SHA256 and other crypto related operations
libsqlite3-0 Library to interact with the SQLite3 databases
libprotobuf23 Runtime-library for protobuffers
libboost1.74 Provides the Beast-library of Boost, which is used for the REST-API within Hanami
libcudart11.0 Runtime-library for CUDA


see requirements.txt

Go CLI-clien

see go.sum


The following diagramm shows the basic relations of the library and tools with each other.


I know, this is not a valid UML-diagram or something like this. It should old visualize the relations. A few connections in the diagram doesn't exist at the moment.

Name Description
Hanami Core of the Project
Hanami-Dashboard Web-Client to directly interact with the Hanami-instance
hanamictl CLI-Client to directly interact with the Hanami-instance
SDK_API_Testing Functional tests for SDK-library and REST-API
hanami_sdk SDK-library to provide functions for all supported actions to interact with the REST-API and automatic handling of the token-exchange.
hanami_cluster_parser Parser-library for cluster-templates
hanami_policies Parser for custon policy-files.
hanami_hardware Collect and aggregate information of the local available hardware ressources.
hanami_files File-handler and converter.
hanami_network Custom session-layer-protocol for network-communication in the Kitsunemimi-projects.
hanami_database Abstration-layer for access databases. At the moment it only contains functionalities for easier creating of sql-requests.
hanami_sqlite Simple wrapper-library for Sqlit3 databases.
hanami_cpu Simple library to read different information of the cpu, like topological information, speed and energy consumption with RAPL, manipulate the speed of single cores of the cpu and read information of the local memory.
hanami_obj This library provides a simple and minimal wavefront obj-parser and creator to generate the content of such files.
hanami_opencl Simple wrapper-library for some commonly used OpenCL-functionallities.
hanami_config Parser for ini-formated config files.
hanami_args Small and easy to use parser for CLI-arguments.
hanami_ini Parser for the content of ini-files.
hanami_crypto Wrapper-library for crypto-operation from other external libraries, to simplify the usage of basic operation like AES, HMAC, SHA256, etc.
hanami_common Simple C++ library with commenly used functions for memory-handling, thread-handling, data representation and testing.